Buy or sell your BizBroker24 internet business with the safety of is the recommended payments platform for buying and selling internet businesses. Buy and sell safely without the risk of chargebacks using the world's largest escrow provider.

$6,400,000,000+ USD Processed
2,400,000+ Customers Trust Escrow
- BBB Torch Awards BBB Torch Awards Winner of 2017 Award for Ethics
- BBB Accredited
- US Commercial
How BizBroker24 works with
Buyer and Seller agree to a purchase price on BizBroker24
Buyer submits payment for internet business to
Seller completes handover of the Internet business
Buyer inspects the handed over business and accepts the transaction
- releases payment to seller
Benefits of using the to sell your BizBroker24 internet business
Cost effective
With low minimum fees and commissions as low 0.89%, is cheaper than credit cards and many other online payment methods.
Low risk
Buyers get to review the business before accepting. Likewise sellers are protected from counterparty risk with no chargebacks, ever.
Award winning is the winner of the 2017 BBB Torch Award for Ethics for Silicon Valley, San Francisco and the Bay Area, an award presented to a business that goes above and beyond in their business dealings with customers, other businesses and the community.
Track record
Incorporated in 1999 by Fidelity National Financial, over US$5 billion in transactions have been protected. has over 21 years of operating a licensed, regulated, and regularly audited escrow service.
Simple and transparent pricing
With low minimum fees and pricing as low as 0.89%, is cheaper than credit cards and many other payment methods. Additionally other payment providers may allow a transaction to be reversed or "charged back" for up to 6 months after settlement, while transactions are safe and final.
- Transaction Amount (Merchandise + Shipping)
- $0-$5,000
- Fees for Transaction
- 3.25%
- Transaction Amount (Merchandise + Shipping)
- $5,000.01-$25,000
- Fees for Transaction
- $162.50 + 0.26% of amount over $5000
- Transaction Amount (Merchandise + Shipping)
- $25,000.01 +
- Fees for Transaction
- 0.89%
- Transaction Amount (Merchandise + Shipping)
- €0-€5,000
- Fees for Transaction
- 3.25%
- Transaction Amount (Merchandise + Shipping)
- €5,000.01-€25,000
- Fees for Transaction
- €162.50 + 0.26% of amount over €5000
- Transaction Amount (Merchandise + Shipping)
- €25,000.01 +
- Fees for Transaction
- 0.89%
- Transaction Amount (Merchandise + Shipping)
- £0-£5,000
- Fees for Transaction
- 3.25%
- Transaction Amount (Merchandise + Shipping)
- £5,000.01-£25,000
- Fees for Transaction
- £162.50 + 0.26% of amount over £5000
- Transaction Amount (Merchandise + Shipping)
- £25,000.01 +
- Fees for Transaction
- 0.89%
- Transaction Amount (Merchandise + Shipping)
- $0-$5,000
- Fees for Transaction
- 3.25%
- Transaction Amount (Merchandise + Shipping)
- $5,000.01-$25,000
- Fees for Transaction
- $162.50 + 0.26% of amount over $5000
- Transaction Amount (Merchandise + Shipping)
- $25,000.01 +
- Fees for Transaction
- 0.89%
- Transaction Amount (Merchandise + Shipping)
- $0-$5,000
- Fees for Transaction
- 3.25%
- Transaction Amount (Merchandise + Shipping)
- $5,000.01-$25,000
- Fees for Transaction
- $162.50 + 0.26% of amount over $5000
- Transaction Amount (Merchandise + Shipping)
- $25,000.01 +
- Fees for Transaction
- 0.89%
Frequently Asked Questions
How does online escrow work?
Online escrow is a five-step process. It protects the Seller by verifying funds and protects the Buyer by allowing inspection of the merchandise before funds are disbursed. For an overview, visit our five-step tutorial.
Learn How Escrow WorksHow long does the escrow process take?
Transacting an internet business through usually takes between five and twenty days. This allows time for the internet business to be transferred and the buyer to make sure all assets are as described. The length of the transaction depends upon:
- 1. The inspection period agreed upon by both parties.
- 2. The Buyer's payment method.
- 3. Delivery time from Seller to Buyer.
- 4. Seller's selected disbursement option.
How does protect me?
With, every step in your transaction is verified with proven tracking and verification procedures.
Learn MoreWhere do I send my payment?
Your payment should be sent only after you select the payment method available on your transaction screen. Banking details will be provided to you via email once your transaction has been agreed.
Learn about Payment OptionsWhat happens to my money when I send it to
Your funds remain in our secured escrow non-interest bearing trust account until the transaction concludes. See payment options.