How to buy or sell memorabilia safely

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Memorabilia are objects which are kept or collected due to their association with memorable people or events. Whether you’re a collector of items of a particular sporting team, movie star, musician or even a special event, there is a world of memorabilia lovers who collect a range of items to savor history, culture and entertainment.

The word "memorabilia" comes from the Latin term "things worthy of being remembered". As such, memorabilia items have been bought and sold across centuries.

Types of memorabilia can include:

Movie collectibles and memorabilia - including movie props, costumes, limited edition items, box sets and autographs from the stars.

Action figures memorabilia and comics - including TV shows and rare figurines from action shows and popular character series. If these items are autographed by the writers, directors or stars, this is even more valuable.

Antique memorabilia collections - this ranges from metals, coins, stamps, vintage sports items or items of interest which hold value or significance.

Sports memorabilia - including photographs, sports items such as rackets, bats or gear which have been signed or are included with a photograph of the player.

Military memorabilia – including medals of honor, commemorative coins and items of significance from military and war.

Photographic memorabilia - these can be of any person of notoriety and if signed or included with a unique item from the person can be very valuable.

As well as the memorabilia outlined other items may include art, books, magazines or general event memorabilia. Items that are provided with a certificate of authenticity & framed also hold a great deal of value and authenticate the item and allow a true valuable to be conducted.

Unfortunately the memorabilia market does have its drawbacks and scams to take place from time to time including fake items, forgeries and bloated quality rankings of items. To protect yourself and your memorabilia items during when you are buying and selling engaging an escrow service allows you to protect your funds while the item is checked for authenticity.

Using an escrow service like allows buyers and sellers to be protected when purchasing memorabilia items from an auction or classified site. The process benefits both buyer and sellers as memorabilia can be checked and a certificate of authenticity can be reviewed to ensure the items are correct and pass as unique.

As well as this, when items are framed or shipped, the item is protected every step of the way in the shipping process to ensure what the buyer is receiving is in the same condition as was described when it was shipped.

Fraudulent sellers, insufficient funds and non-payment are all a thing of the past with Private collectors of memorabilia can enjoy a stress free transaction experience by using

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