If I have any questions about the product, do I contact Escrow.com?

We highly recommend all Buyers reach out directly to their Sellers to find out more about the products and/or services being exchanged in their transactions. It is critical for both parties to agree upon the precise description of that being sold or rendered. If there are any questions about any element of the transaction, this should be clarified at the commencement of any transaction.

The product should be clearly defined in the “Description” section of the transaction, and both the Buyer and Seller must agree on all aspects of the transaction, including the “Description” section at the inception of a transaction. For complicated transactions, we recommend the Buyers and Sellers create and sign an agreement to fully clarify the product and/or services being transferred and/or completed.

Additionally, once the Buyer receives the products and/or services, the Inspection Period becomes critical to ensure the products and/or services are exactly those listed in the “Description” or agreement. If the product and/or service is not what was agreed upon at the inception of the transaction, the Buyer has the opportunity to return or reject the products and/or services before the Inspection Period expires.

If you have additional questions or concerns, please contact our customer support department via email at support@escrow.com or chat support when they are online.