Never buy or sell online without using
With you can buy and sell anything safely without the risk of chargebacks. Truly secure payments.
- Buyer and seller agree on terms
- Buyer pays
- Seller transfers the domain name
- Buyer approves the domain name
- pays the seller
- Buyer and seller agree on terms
- Buyer pays
- Seller ships the vehicle
- Buyer inspects & approves vehicle
- pays the seller
- Buyer and seller agree on terms
- Buyer pays
- Seller ships the merchandise
- Buyer inspects & approves goods
- pays the seller
- Buyer and seller agree on schedule
- Buyer pays
- Seller provides the service
- Buyer approves the milestone
- pays the seller
$6,400,000,000+ USD traités
2,400,000+ Clients qui font confiance à Escrow
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- BBB Accredited
- US Commercial
Over $6 billion of transactions protected with
Buyer and Seller agree to terms
Buyer submits payment to Escrow
Seller delivers goods or service to buyer
Buyer approves goods or services
- releases payment to seller
Safely buy and sell products and services from $100 to $100 million or more
Noms de domaine is the dominant payment method for the buying & selling of domain names, with transactions including,,,,,,,,, and
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Véhicules à moteur
When buying classic cars, a used sailboat or even an aircraft engine ensures money transfer and vehicle delivery with every sale. Our experienced personnel can even help you with shipping documentation, titles, liens and more.
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Appareils électroniques handles the buying and selling large scale computer setups, professional sound systems and all manner of electronic equipment both big and small.
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Marchandises générales
From computer hardware to luxury goods, you can safely and easily buy and sell merchandise all over the world with the protection of
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Transactions en étapes
Paying for a good or service and want money released only at certain stages? Use Escrow to assure that money is released only when you're happy with each step.
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Jewelry, Watches, and Fashion
Buying and selling expensive jewelry online can be difficult, as it is extremely difficult to spot a scam.'s simple 5-step process ensures money transfer and jewelry delivery with every sale.
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Get a free copy of our latest domain market report
Alternative Investing: A Comparison Between Additional Instruments and Web Domains
The recommended payment system by top eCommerce companies

Escrow Pay: Secure payments in one line of code.
Escrow Pay is the simplest way to add escrow payments to your website, mobile app, online store, classified site or marketplace.
En savoir plusIntroducing Escrow Offer
Escrow Offer allows buyers and sellers to negotiate a price for domain names, cars, boats, aircraft, fine art or any high-value item on any website or mobile app through a Make Offer button or API call - protected by the security of escrow payments by
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Escrow API
Payments for your website, marketplace, classified site, shopping cart or mobile app with no chargebacks, ever.
Built for developers, by developers
Any business can integrate the safety and security of escrow payments to their platform as simply as common payment methods such as Stripe.
Protecting both buyers and sellers
Using escrow, buyers get to inspect the goods or services before accepting them, protecting the buyer. Likewise, sellers are protected from counterparty risk by no chargeback, ever.

The most trusted, licensed online escrow service in the world
Government agencies perform regular audits of independently licensed escrow companies. The audit examinations serve to protect public funds, determine safety and soundness of operations and determine compliance with escrow statutes and regulations.