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Company Verification - Canada

To verify your company account with, you must provide documents to verify your personal identity. In addition, you must provide proof of company registration.

How do I verify my company on

You can verify your identity on by visiting the Verify Your Identity page and select 'Verify as Company'. On this page you must confirm your personal details and address. Then you must upload a valid government-issued ID and a proof of address document such as a recent utility bill or bank statement. Requirements are detailed here.

In addition you must provide proof of company registration documents and proof you are an authorised representative who can operate the Company's escrow account.

Proof of company registration requirements

You must upload a colored scan of one of the following documents, according to your company type.

Sole Proprietorship

  • Business registration
  • Business Permit


  • Partnership Agreement
  • Business Permit

Limited Partnership

  • Limited Partnership Agreement

Limited Liability Partnership

  • Limited Liability Partnership Agreement
  • Articles of Association


  • Certificate of Incorporation
  • Certificate of Good Standing
  • Certificate of Status
  • Attestation du Statut Juridique

Transactions conducted on behalf of a business entity will require the completion of an Ultimate Beneficial Ownership Form. is responsible for complying with the Proceeds of Crime (Money Laundering) and Terrorist Financing Act (PCMLTFA), amended 2001, as a registered money service business. This includes the identification of beneficial owners of a business, although they may not be executing the transaction on our platform.

Additional documents that may be requested

If an individual/company is conducting the transaction on behalf of the company and is not a primary member (i.e. Executive Management, Trustee reflected on State Business Originating Documents or Managing Members reflected on Operating Agreement or alike executed business document), an Authorization Letter should be submitted.

The Authorization Letter should be provided on company letterhead where it specifies that the individual person named on the account is an authorized representative for the company, signed by the CEO or primary member of the company that can be validated through external check.

Document requirements

  • Document details must not be handwritten.
  • Documents must not be altered or edited in any way.
  • Documents should be a colored image scan or colored digital photo with a high-quality resolution. Photocopies and black and white scans/photos are not acceptable.
  • Do not crop, adjust image colors, or alter the file in any way.
  • Image dimensions must be at least 500 x 300 pixels (minimum).
  • Files must be in the format JPEG, PNG, GIF or PDF, and by less than 100MB in size.
  • If you are submitting a document which is it is an e-bill or e-bank statement, the PDF copy should not be password-protected.
  • Submission of fake, or altered documents will result in account closure and may lead to legal actions.
