Using Featured US Exporters with

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FUSE is the acronym for Featured US Exporters, which is a division of the United States government’s exporting service. FUSE helps US businesses by promoting their exporting business overseas, as well as promoting and advertising their business in the local language of the country they are choosing and attempting to create an exporting atmosphere with. FUSE has partnered with to help US businesses promote their exporting business to international companies.

The local company sends enquiries through the FUSE web site in their home country, and various translators and business emissaries who work with the United States Trade Services work with them to ensure all parties are satisfied with the exports. Once the international company’s viability and interest in the products offered have been determined, FUSE works with the international importer and the US exporter to begin generating sales and a successful trade relationship.

Escrow adds an additional layer of security by ensuring all parties that their interests are protected till the transaction is complete and everyone is satisfied with the outcome. Escrow helps with this by providing, safe, secure and fast transactions for all parties involved.

Here’s how FUSE and Escrow work together:

  • Importer and exporter agree to Escrow’s terms and conditions – Both parties must agree to abide by Escrow’s terms and conditions before any accounts may be created or any monies are exchanged.
  • FUSE and exporter contact interested parties – International communications are the key to success in assuring that both businesses are interested and willing to work with one another to begin a successful business relationship.
  • FUSE sends product for export to interested international company – The company pays for this via Escrow’s safe, secure transactions interface.
  • Company inspects merchandise – Upon arrival of merchandise, inspectors in the country to where the goods are exported inspect the products for consumer satisfaction and to make sure the product passes inspection criteria.
  • Company accepts and pays for goods – Upon release of funds to the exporter via, the company accepts and pays for the exported purchase.

Setting up a FUSE and Escrow account is fast and easy. Facilitated by a trusted third-party, the escrow process removes the risk from online transactions to ensure a safe, secure and intuitive sale for both buyers and sellers. What are you waiting for? Visit for a secure transaction today.'




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